our impact

Scaling Organic Cotton Farming for a Greener Future

Cotton field
Consumer demand for organic cotton remains high and growing the supply has never been more urgent. One of OCA’s primary objectives is to foster the necessary conditions for accelerating the growth of organic cotton production. Building a case for organic in-conversion cotton remains a key action in our efforts to scale organic farming sustainably. In 2023, we made significant strides by providing support to more farmers transitioning to organic agriculture, extending our efforts in Pakistan, preparing the ground for our work in Türkiye and securing additional resources to enhance our fieldwork initiatives.
In-conversion: a necessary step towards organic
When farmers transition from conventional farming to organic, it takes up to three years before they receive organic certification status. During these three years, farmers focus on building soil fertility and restoring ecosystem balance to meet organic certification standards. Throughout this period, farmers must adhere to organic farming practices, and face challenges such as lower yields and the inability to claim organic premium prices
OCA believes that scaling organic starts with the support for farmers to engage on the in-conversion journey. We prioritise farmer-centric initiatives to support the successful transition to organic cotton farming. In 2023, we saw a 90% growth for the number of in-conversion farmers in our Farm Programme, reaching close to 36,000. Through OCA's market linkages, these farmers can benefit from secure off-take agreements and better incomes. They also received essential training and access to organic inputs.
Alongside our collaboration with key value chain actors, OCA works with philanthropic organisations that act as a force multiplier in our work. With support from our Donors, we are able to provide new resources to deepen our impact as well as match-fund robust training programmes for farmers in the critical stage of converting from conventional to organic farming. This support has allowed us to help almost 15,000 farmers to join our Farm Programme last year. Thanks to the generous support of our community of Donors, in 2023 we were able to raise an additional 1.5 million euros over a three-year period to support farmers.
Cotton field
Cotton farmer
"By contributing to OCA, Kiabi secures a reliable supply of high-quality organic cotton, strengthens relationships with farmers, and invests in sustainable practices. Helping scale the production of organic cotton is essential, as we grow Kiabi's position as a sustainable fashion leader. This helps us meet consumer demand for sustainable sourcing, and drives long-term growth and positive environmental impact."

Virginie Cayzeele

Raw materials leader, Kiabi

Cotton farmer
"Our visit to OCA’s field projects underscores the profound impact of partnership within CI’s Regenerative Fund for Nature. We heard directly from farmers the benefits they have experienced in transitioning to regenerative cotton. The resounding conclusion across several project sites is the adoption of regenerative practices increases income, improves food diversity, and enhances community and family health. Additionally, it benefits local wildlife and improves soil quality. We extend our gratitude to OCA and partners for their vital work across regions, truly showcasing the transformative impact of regenerative practices."

Virginia Borcherdt

Sr. Director, Sustainable Fashion, Conservation International

Cotton farmer
"With support from OCA and its partner on the ground, I was able to diversify my income sources and cultivated crops like castor oil, maize, jowar, and various vegetables. This diversification increased my income by an additional 20%, while enabling me to provide his family with healthy organic food straight from my own fields."

Labani Gahi

Organic Cotton Farmer

Cotton farmer
"With the support and guidance of the Farm Programme, I started using farmyard manure and bio-pesticides in my cotton fields to address cotton pests. With guidance from the trainers, I implemented a number of natural extracts, such as turmeric, bitter apple, and tobacco to combat bollworms in my 8-acre cotton farm. The transition to organic practices had a positive impact on my cotton production."

Muhammad Aslam

Organic Cotton Farmer