our impact

boosting access to seeds

Cotton seeds
OCA is dedicated to ensuring farmers have access to a diverse range of non-genetically modified organic cottonseed. Our approach involves supporting the development and production of locally adapted organic cotton seed in India, and more recently, in Pakistan. Recognising that seeds are fundamental to all agricultural value chains, our initiatives around seed availability bring us closer to preserving the climate resilience and integrity of organic cotton at its source—an essential measure for enhancing the climate change adaptation and business viability of organic farming and expanding organic cotton production globally.
Expansion of Seed Trial Network in India and Pakistan
In 2023, OCA expanded its Seed Trial Network in India and Pakistan, collaborating with our Farm Partners to conduct trials of various seed varieties in real farming conditions. The insights gained from these trials, along with performance data, were shared within the network. This collective knowledge will aid our Farm and Implementing Partners in selecting suitable seed cultivars for distribution, while also encouraging breeders and seed producers to focus on locally adapted varieties.
The overarching goal of OCA’s Seed Trial Network is to enhance the diversity of cultivars used in agriculture, including indigenous cotton species known for their resilience to drought and pests. This initiative aims to future-proof the cotton sector against climate challenges. In 2023, we unveiled the Organic Seed Performance Database, compiled from four years of data from over 300 trials conducted in research stations and farmers’ fields. This database serves as a valuable resource for our Implementation Partners and collaborating seed producers, facilitating informed seed procurement decisions and empowering farmers with access to the most effective seed varieties.
Cotton farmer
Cotton farmer
"By partnering with OCA, we have been able to supply seed hybrids and varieties that meet the growing demand of organic cotton farmers for non-GM cultivation. Our company produces seeds that meet customer needs for seeds that are suitable for their area or region and have demonstrated strong performance before supply to the project. We are confident that these seeds will boost agrobiodiversity and enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, all while maintaining high standards of productivity, profitability and cotton quality."

Snehal Doshi

Partech Seeds

Cotton farmer
"Finding non-genetically modified seeds and preparing bio-inputs is hard. But with OCA’s Seed Programme, I received free non-genetically modified seeds and training on how to create bio-inputs for pest control. I also prepared farmyard manure from my livestock, which proved to be an excellent organic fertiliser for my cotton fields."

Rathava Neraliben

Organic Cotton Farmer